Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Grandpa's Farm

Grandpa's Farm
I climbed up the apple tree 
To see just what there was to see,
I looked down on grandpa's farm 
All laid out with patchwork charm.

There's a baa-baa sheep,
and a bow-wow dog,
an oink-oink pig,
and a croaky frog,

There's a moo-moo cow 
and a meowy cat,
a cackily hen
and other things like that.

When I was little we used to sing Grandpa's Farm all the time!
Plus we lived on Grandpa's farm!
Lucky me!

Well I was reminded of it when I went to the fair last night.

 We seriously have not been to the fair in ages.
 It was a beautiful Utah summer into fall evening!
 This made me wish the girls were still little and riding the ponies!
 Cool pack goats.

 These bulls were massive!
 And the sheep didn't really smell any worse than any of the other animals.
My dad must have been teasing!
 These little piggies were the cutest.
 Mark said he used to always be intrigued by these strange exhibits!
 As for me, I was just intrigued by the funnel cakes!
 We ran into our friends the Sumsions!
And before leaving we had to check out the Hunger Games
butter sculpture! Maybe her name is Cowtniss.

We had so much fun we may need to go again next year!


  1. we went last night. it was soo fun! i definitely recommend it!

  2. I loved the comment about Grandpa and the sheep. I think of him whenever I see sheep! Those stinky sheep!
