Friday, October 19, 2012

Leibster Award

Okay, this is a little unusual for my blog since all I ever do is post pictures but . . . Courtney nominated me for a liebster award. I am sure you are wondering what a liebster award is (as was I). Well it is an "award given to up-and-coming bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve some recognition and support to keep on blogging". Sound fun? 

The rules are as follows:
1. Each person awarded must post 11 facts about themselves. 
2. Answer the 11 questions the nominator has set for them.
3. Choose five bloggers to nominate.
4. Create 11 more questions for the bloggers they will nominate.
5. Let the lucky bloggers know.

Facts about me:
1. I am a foreigner. I was born in the great cold country to the North - CANADA!
2.  If it were good for me or socially acceptable, I would eat breakfast for every meal of the day.
3. I went to Oxford. But just on my mission!
4.  I love to sing Michael Jackson's Thriller and would do the dance if I were more coordinated!
5. Mark and I have probably seen a movie (or 2) per weekend our entire 27 years of marriage.
6. I was once a baton twirler!
7. I got my hair cut short when I was in Jr. High School and never went back.
8. I love John Denver and Neil Diamond and am not afraid to say it.
9. I have visited 27 temples and wish I could visit 100 more.
10. Once I broke my rib.
11. I once rode a motorcycle in a living room.

Courtney's questions for me to answer:
1. if you could tell your 16 year-old self something, what would it be?
Don't take everything so seriously. Nothing is as huge as it seems right now.
2. what are 3 things that make you most happy right now?
Mark, Courtney, and Paige
3. what is something you're passionate about?
The attitudes in some circles concerning working women.
4. what has been your greatest accomplishment?
 Raising my family.
5. what do you think people misunderstand most about you?
 My irrational fear of dogs!
6. what do you hope to be remembered for?
Being a good person.
7. what was the last song you listened to?
Set Fire to the Rain by Adele
8. what was the last movie you watched?
 Mystic River
9. if you had a life motto what would it be?
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 John 1:4
10. what are your 3 most visited websites (excluding facebook, email, and work websites)
 IMDB,, The Rockstar Diaries
11. what is your essential start-the-day-off item?
Breakfast (preferably eggs)

The questions for my nominees:
1. Would you ever bungee jump?
2. Were you named after anyone?
3. When was the last time you cried?
4. What is the last book you read?
5. What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?
6. What are you irrationally afraid of?
7. What was your most embarrassing hair style?
8. If you could live in another country for 2 years, what country would you choose?
9. What movie could you always watch?
10. What is your dream car?
11. What is the latest you can sleep if you don't have anywhere you have to be?

My nominees:

Don't feel pressured. This was a lot of work!
But it was fun!
Happy Blogging!!!


  1. you are so great. i love you so much!

  2. This was so much fun to read! I love your fear of dogs! :)

  3. I love it when people do these posts because I learn a lot about them! Also, thanks for nominating me! I just saw this. I guess I need to get on it...
