Another general conference has come and gone.
They are always a source of inspiration and learning.
I work for the Church so everything gets a little crazy and busy in April and October.
When my Dad was a Seventy, he and Mom came home for each conference
and those were highlights of the year!
Paige used to think that Grandpa and Grandma Wood lived at the airport.
This is an unusual post for me in some ways, for one thing,
I shockingly do not have any pictures to post.
And usually I just post family stuff.
But today I wanted to share some of my favorite general conference talks of all time.
Here are the ones I am thinking of right now - in no particular order.
Well this one might be the best of all - since it is my Dad!
Patience (not a conference talk)
This is a BYU Speeches talk and therefore not on YouTube
but you can link to the text. It is so, so great.
Thanks to our Sunday School teacher for sharing it the Sunday before conference.

Happy watching, listening, or reading.