Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Dad

My Dad, Lowell Dale Wood, was born in Cardston, Alberta, Canada
in January of 1933.
This is a picture of him in the tub with his loving Mom watching over him.
I just thought this was such a cute picture!
Bathing again - with his little brother this time.
This is a Christmas card sent out by my Dad's grandparents Edward James and Mary Ann Solomon Wood.
The picture is taken on the farm which was run by my Grandfather. My Dad is on the horse on the right.
Deanna, Lowell, and Rex
Newsworthy event in a small town!
This is an interesting shot, because my Dad was never much of a hunter!
Here with his 4H calf.
With his friend Keith Olsen.
Baseball - who knew?
I bet this is a photo of the entire high school.  He was the
student body president.
In 1952 he got called to the Johannesburg South Africa Mission.
Imagine the shock - coming from a tiny little community in Southern Alberta.
(Mission calls are somewhat different now!)
He got his passport picture taken . . .
said goodbye to his parents, William Dale and Donna Woolf Wood,
his siblings Greg, Judy, Karen, Deanna, and Rex,
and his grandparents, E.J. and Mary Ann Wood,
and boarded a boat headed for Africa!
I just loved this bike picture!  
 It must have been quite a culture shock!
Love the hats Elders! 
 President David O. McKay visited Africa while my Dad was there, I think it might have been
the first time the prophet had visited South Africa. Quite historic!

This is not his whole story. Only a very small portion.
I am just loving all these old photos lately so I thought I would post some
about one of my favorite men to ever have lived. I love and miss him so much.

Who knows, I might even post the 2nd half of his life sometime!


  1. such a good looking guy! lovelovelove the bike pic (in fact i think i am going to print that off and make it into a t shirt. if that isn't love i don't know what is). and how much do his grandkids, kids, great gradkids look like him (specifically, in my opinion, jake and penn)!! what a guy!

  2. he looks like brock! those hats on the missionaries are pretty great too.

  3. What a amazing photos you have for your father. It was fun getting to know him.

  4. Dear Mark and Lisa,
    Lisa, thanks for your great post! After my Grandma Gudrun died a friend gave my Mom a book called "Life Everlasting" by Duane Crowther. There was an amazing story on p. 142 about Pres. Edward J. Wood and his experiences with a Cree Indian chief in Cardston, and how they were searching for the book of their fathers. I always thought it was such a great story-are you familiar with it? Now I know that it was your family-how wonderful!

    1. Renee, I am not familiar with the book or the story. I will have to look it up. Thanks for sharing!
