Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Christmas 2014 Came and Went

So over the 2014 holiday season
I really let everyone down, mostly myself!
I forgot to take any pictures!
I am posting ALL of the pictures I took in December.
This is when I was driving to work on December 3rd.
I thought it was beautiful!
 This little gem was taken on the 5th and is of
the lobby at work, all set up for our party.
 At least this one contains loved ones.
Audrey, Karen, Courtney, and Paige joined Mark and I for
the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.
 The Tabernacle decked out for the devotional.
 I took this of one of the nativity sets displayed
in the JSMB - this one if from Italy - 
and I took it for Paige!
 Then finally on the 11th we bought
 and decorated our tree.
 Then Courtney did "the pose" with the finished product.
 Then on the 12th we attended the Tabernacle
Choir Christmas Concert.
 I pretended to want a picture of the family
but I really was taking this of the people seated next to Paige.
I took this to show Carolyn (my office mate)
that we sat right next to her brother.
 These are of Big Bird directing the Choir.
 Just trying to get a good one.
 This is of all the performers with the choir
but it isn't easy to see anything!
 Then we got to go meet Mayvis and see Jentri and her cute little family!
 Somewhere around the 15th we finally decorated the house
and I took this to show Paige we had accomplished this fete!
 This is a picture of our Christmas Eve dinner table.
Wouldn't it be so much better with the people?
 This is on Christmas day. My dear friend Peggy
made these and sent them to us for Christmas. 
I wanted this picture to post on Facebook so Peggy could see
that they arrived safely and are loved!
 This is Mark
 and this is Paige
playing with their new Spirograph.
 This supposed to be of my darling ring that Paige
gave me for Christmas - it has a C and a P on it.
It's kind of like a mothers ring for me!
When I look at this picture though all I see is my ugly
old dry wrinkled hand. But I figured, hey, it probably
isn't going to get any prettier so . . .
 Here is a picture of Mom from Christmas.
She is playing Free Cell.
 Here are the girls using Paige's new
gel nail kit.
 Here is Mark napping in his new PJ's.
 This beautiful composition is some app on my
Christmas present - iPad. I took the last 4 pictures just to 
try out my new iPad camera.
 Then it was New Year's Eve
 at The Old Spaghetti Factory.
With some fun family:
Mark and Linda, Lynn, Priscilla, and the four of us!

I feel so bad that I didn't take any pictures of the family parties, 
the opening of the gifts, the gifts after the opening, or anything.

I am happy to have the few pictures I do though!

It was a great holiday and 2015 is going to be a wonderful year!


  1. You have such a wonderful family! I adore that your girls as adults still spend time with you. Sometimes people talk about how strange it is for our adult daughters to spend time with us and it's so lovely to know we are not alone.

    1. Allison, Thanks so much for your kind comment. You are definitely not alone! We love spending time together. I hope we always will!
