Friday night was
the pioneer commemoration concert
at the conference center.
What is it about an event at the conference center
that brings out the bagpipes?
Saturday we attended a family party
where we saw
THE cutest baby - Maxx!
We spent some time with grandma
and with siblings from Utah.
and siblings from out of town.
We also enjoyed some pool time
with cousins!
Then Sunday was my birthday!
We enjoyed spending time with
the other grandma,
siblings, and cousins!

This is the anual shot of me
and my little brothers!
Monday was still the weekend - yay!
It was the Pioneer Day holiday
so we went to the parade.
Where we saw . . .
President Monson with his security detail.
Handcart pioneers.
Old friends.
A woman trying to control the speed
of the parade.
And Ice Cold Bottled Water
for only 75 cents.
Now there are only 4 more days to
work for another weekend!