Friday, July 29, 2011

Walk Like an Egyptian

Summer = Girl's Camp
Here are some things I love about Girl's Camp:
 1 - Cabins
 2 - The Young Women
This year - we were Egypt!
3 - Clever songs
4 - Silly Games
dippity dippity dip

 5 - Skits
6 - Campfires
7 - Friends

But my most favorite thing about Girl's Camp is
8 - Testimony meeting
(not pictured)


  1. rub it in some more why don't you. i've been trying to figure out a way to sneak into girl's camp all summer. bummer.

  2. awe fun! I wish I got to go up this year. Where do you guys go?

  3. Defi itely the highlight of the week! Thanks for making the crazy round trip so you could be there withus!!
